Page 142 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 142

PROSPERITY                       PLANET                         PEOPLE

       Laporan Posisi Keuangan  PTSI 2023 [OJK C.3]          PTSI  Statement  of  Financial  Position  as  of
                                                             December 31, 2023 [OJK C.3]
       Proyeksi  Posisi  Keuangan  PTSI  per  31  Desember  2023   The  projected  financial  position  of  PTSI  as  of  31  December
       diproyeksikan  dengan  total  aset  sebesar  Rp4.44,7  Miliar   2023  is  projected  at  total  assets  of  Rp  2,44.7  billion  with
       dengan rincian:                                       details:

                                            Uraian                                       RKAP 2023 (Rp-Miliar)
                                           Description                                    RKAP 2023 (Rp-Billion)

        Aset Lancar Current Assets                                                               1.528,7
        Aset Tidak Lancar Non-Current Assets                                                     916,0

        Total Aset Total Assets                                                                  2,44.7

        Kewajiban Lancar Current Liabilities                                                     424,2

        Kewajiban Jangka non-Current Liabilities                                                 134,5

        Ekuitas Equity                                                                           1.885,9
        Total Kewajiban dan Ekuitas                                                              2.44,7
        Total Liabilities and Equity

       Distribusi Nilai Ekonomi [201-1]

       Economic Value Distributed

       PTSI,  sebagai  entitas  bisnis,  memiliki  tujuan  utama  dalam   PTSI, as a business entity, has the primary goal of achieving
       mencapai  keuntungan  yang  maksimal.  Keuntungan  yang   maximum  profit.  The  profits  obtained  by  the  company  are
       diperoleh   perusahaan   kemudian   dibagikan   kepada   then distributed to various stakeholders, including investors,
       berbagai  pemangku  kepentingan,  termasuk  investor,   employees, government, suppliers, and the community. Profit
       pegawai,   pemerintah,   pemasok,   dan   masyarakat.   distribution is carried out through various means, such as tax
       Pembagian  keuntungan  dilakukan  melalui  berbagai  cara,   payments,  dividend  distribution  to  investors,  support  to
       seperti  pembayaran  pajak,  pembagian  dividen  kepada   suppliers, as well as through Corporate Social Responsibility
       investor, dukungan kepada pemasok, serta melalui program   (CSR)  or  Social  and  Environmental  Responsibility  programs
       Tanggung  Jawab  Sosial  dan  Lingkungan  (TJSL)  atau   implemented by the company.[201-1]
       Corporate  Social  Responsibility  (CSR)  yang  dilaksanakan
       oleh perusahaan.  [201-1]

       Selama tahun 2023 Perusahaan menghasilkan nilai ekonomi   During 2023, the Company generated an economic value of
       sebesar Rp 1,82 triliun, meningkat 4% dibandingkan tahun   Rp 1.82 trillion, an increase of 4% compared to 2022, which
       2022  yaitu  sebesar  Rp  1,75  triliun.  Nilai  ekonomi   was  Rp  1.75  trillion.  The  Company's  economic  value  comes
       Perusahaan berasal dari pendapatan usaha jasa, bagian laba   from service revenue, profit share from joint operations, and
       dari operasi bersama, dan pendapatan lain-lain.       other income.

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