Page 137 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 137

PROSPERITY                      PLANET                         PEOPLE

          Program/inisiatif  strategis  merujuk  pada  kegiatan  diluar   PTSI continues to implement growth strategies in line with its
          rutinitas teknis proses komersial dan kegiatan pendamping   2024 Vision of becoming a world-class assurance institution,
          yang  dinilai  dapat  memberikan  manfaat  signifikan.  Dalam   empowering  the  nation  by  building  trust.  In  2023,  PTSI
          pelaksanaanya,  program/inisiatif  strategis  terbagi  atas   continued the implementation of 10 strategic pillar initiatives
          Program/inisiatif  dalam  rangka  pencapaian  KPI,  Program/  such  as  deepening  services  and  mastering  digitization
          inisiatif  strategic  mapping  BUMN  dan  Penugasan  khusus   services,  along  with  three  basic  growth  strategies  which
          pengembangan bisnis.                                 include  enhancing  human  resource  capacity  to  world-class
                                                               levels, continuous improvement of corporate governance, and
                                                               collaboration among IDSurvey members.

          Mengingat  pesatnya  perkembangan  ESG,  SDGs,  dan   Considering the rapid development of ESG, SDGs, and carbon
          ekonomi  karbon  di  Indonesia  maupun  di  seluruh  dunia   economy in Indonesia and worldwide, the newly established
          Project  Management  Unit  (PMU)  Sustainability  yang  baru   Project  Management  Unit  (PMU)  Sustainability  at  PTSI,  as
          didirikan  PTSI,  seperti  disebutkan  di  atas,  juga  terus   mentioned  above,  also  continues  to  develop  its  services.
          mengembangkan  layanannya.  Dengan  demikian  prinsip   Therefore,  PTSI  main  guiding  principle  to  sustain  company
          pedoman utama PTSI untuk mempertahankan pertumbuhan   growth and resilience in facing global dynamics is through the
          dan  ketahanan  perusahaan  menghadapi  dinamika  global   adaptation of ESG strategies into the core company strategies.
          ialah  melalui  adaptasi  strategi  ESG  ke  dalam  strategi  inti   [201-2]
          perusahaan. [201-2]

          Berdasarkan  RPJMN  IV  2020-2024  dan  Rencana  Strategis   Based on RPJMN IV 2020-2024 and the Strategic Plan of the
          Kementerian  BUMN,  yaitu  5  prioritas  BUMN  maka  dalam   Ministry of SOEs, which consists of 5 SOE priorities, the vision
          masterplan Sub Klaster Surveyor telah ditetapkan visi dari   of  the  Surveyor  Sub-Cluster  has  been  established  in  the
          Sub Klaster Surveyor yaitu:                          master plan, which is:

                              "World class integrated assurance group,

                             empowering the nation by building trust"

          Tujuan  usaha  PTSI  adalah  menjadi  pelaku  utama  yang   PTSI business objective is to be a sustainable leading player in
          berkelanjutan dalam bisnis Independent Assurance dengan   the Independent Assurance business with its portfolio

                                                      Segmen PTSI
                                                      PTSI Segments

          DBS Goverment       DBS         DBS Mineral   DBS Oil, Gas &      PMU        PMU Sertifikasi  PMU Pelumas
          and Institution  Infrastructure  Coal and       Renewable     Sustainability
                                         Enviromental      Energy

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