Page 138 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 138

PROSPERITY                       PLANET                         PEOPLE

       Dalam  konteks  RJPP  2020-2024,  perusahaan  memiliki   In  the  context  of  the  2020-2024  RJPP,  the  company  has  a
       tujuan  spesifik  untuk  meningkatkan  market  share  dengan   specific objective to increase market share by expanding and
       memperluas  dan  memperkuat  fungsi  marketing  serta   strengthening marketing and business development functions
       pengembangan bisnis dengan mengutamakan layanan dan   by  prioritizing  innovative  services  and  products  with  the
       produk yang inovatif dengan dukungan dari human capital   support  of  excellent  human  capital  as  the  company's  value
       yang excellent sebagai value proposition perusahaan dalam   proposition in reaching revenue of IDR 2,047 Trillion in 2024
       meraih  pendapatan  mencapai  IDR  2,047  Triliun  di  tahun   and  achieving  the  target  to  obtain  the  predicate  of  "very
       2024  serta  mencapai  target  untuk  mendapatkan  predikat   healthy" company with a "AA" score.
       perusahaan "sangat sehat" dengan skor "AA".

       Sejalan  dengan  visi  menjadi  perusahaan  Independent   In  line  with  the  vision  of  becoming  a  globally  recognized
       Assurance  nasional  yang  diakui  dunia  dalam  memberikan   national   Independent   Assurance   company   providing
       solusi menyeluruh kepada pelanggan, PTSI selalu berusaha   comprehensive  solutions  to  customers,  PTSI  continuously
       meningkatkan  kompetensi  perusahaan  melalui  akreditasi   strives  to  enhance  the  company's  competence  through
       Lembaga  inspeksi  SNI  ISO  17020:2012  dan  Akreditasi   accreditation of the Inspection Body SNI ISO 17020:2012 and
       Laboratorium SNI ISO 17025:2017 untuk kegiatan inspeksi   Laboratory  Accreditation  SNI  ISO  17025:2017  for  inspection
       dan  pengujian  laboratorium.  Untuk  mendukung  proses   activities  and  laboratory  testing.  To  support  a  reliable
       bisnis  yang  handal,  PTSI  telah  disertifikasi  Sistem   business  process,  PTSI  has  been  certified  for  Quality
       Manajemen  Mutu  SNI  ISO  9001  :2015,  Sistem  Manajemen   Management  System  SNI  ISO  9001:2015,  Environmental
       Lingkungan  ISO  14001  :2015,  Sistem  Manajemen  K3  ISO   Management  System  ISO  14001:2015,  Occupational  Health
       45001  :2018,  Sistem  Manajemen  Keamanan  informasi  ISO   and Safety Management System ISO 45001:2018, Information
       27001  :2013,  Sistem  Manajemen  Anti  Penyuapan  ISO   Security  Management  System  ISO  27001:2013,  Anti-Bribery
       37001:2016 dan SMK3 PP 50 tahun 2012. Selain itu, untuk   Management System ISO 37001:2016, and OSH Management
       menciptakan  kepuasan  pelanggan,  semua  usaha  yang   System  PP  50  of  2012.  Moreover,  to  create  customer
       dilakukan  PTSI  selalu  berlandaskan  pada  core  values   satisfaction, all efforts undertaken by PTSI are always based
       AKHLAK  (Amanah,  Kompeten,  Harmonis,  Loyal,  Adaptif,   on  the  core  values  of  AKHLAK;  Amanah  (Trustworthy),
       Kolaboratif).                                         Kompeten  (Competent),  Harmonis  (Harmonious),  Loyal
                                                             (Loyal), Adaptif (Adaptive), Kolaboratif (Collaborative).

       Tahun 2023 PTSI telah bersinergi dan berkolaborasi dengan   In 2023, PTSI synergized and collaborated with other IDSurvey
       entitas-entitas  IDSurvey  lainnya  dalam  mencapai  target-  entities  to  achieve  business  growth  targets.  This  is
       target  pertumbuhan  bisnis.  Hal  ini  ditunjukkan  melalui   demonstrated  through  the  establishment  of  Joint  KPIs,
       penetapan  KPI  Bersama  yaitu,  peningkatan  operational   namely,  increasing  operational  excellence  through  shared
       excellence  melalui  efisiensi  shared  services  dan  tahapan   services  efficiency  and  advanced  stages  of  ERP  and  CRM
       lanjutan integrasi ERP integrasi CRM IDSurvey, KPI Regional   integration within IDSurvey, Regional KPIs, and Synergy KPIs,
       dan KPI Sinergi serta aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam Forum   as well as actively participating in Regional Business Forums,
       Bisnis Regional, Forum Bisnis Portofolio, dan Forum Bisnis   Portfolio  Business  Forums,  and  Holding  Business  Forums,
       Holding yang selalu melakukan koordinasi terkait peluang   which constantly coordinate regarding job opportunities, joint
       pekerjaan, upaya pemasaran dan penjualan bersama serta   marketing and sales efforts, and optimization of operational
       optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumber daya operasi.         resource utilization.
                                                             In terms of organization, in line with the KPI of optimizing the
       Dalam aspek organisasi, sesuai KPI optimasi model holding   holding  model  and  streamlining  subsidiaries  and  affiliated
       streamlining  anak  dan  Cucu  Perusahaan  pada  tanggal  20   companies, on March 20, 2023, PTSI implemented a change in
       Maret  2023  PTSI  telah  melakukan  perubahan  struktur   the  organizational  structure  in  the  form  of  a  matrix  and
       organisasi  berbentuk  matrik  dan  mengakomodir  strategi   accommodated decentralization and centralization strategies
       desentralisasi dan sentralisasi (RKAP 2023-2024).     (RKAP 2023-2024).

       Pada aspek keunggulan operasi, pada tahun 2023 PTSI telah   In terms of operational excellence, in 2023, PTSI has recorded
       mencatat  hasil-hasil  yang  nyata  dari  upaya  optimalisasi   tangible results from efforts to optimize resources, as well as
       sumber daya, serta perbaikan sistem dan teknologi.    system and technology improvements.

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