Page 141 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 141

PROSPERITY                      PLANET                         PEOPLE

                                                                                      Kenaikan (Penurunan)
                                                   2023             2022
                                                                                        Increase (Decrease)
                                                                    Jumlah         Nominal
                     Description                  Jumlah          (Rp-juta)        (Rp-juta)         Persentase
                                                 (Rp-juta)                                           Percentage
                                                                   Amount           Nominal
                                              Total (Rp-million)                                        (%)
                                                                   (Rp-juta)      (Rp-million)
           Beban lain-lain                        (19.093)         (32.678)          13.585           (41,57)
           Other Expenses

           Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan         293.879          267.366           30.514            11,41
           Profit before income tax

           Pajak Penghasilan
           Income tax

                 Pajak Kini                       (58.103)         (46.802)         (11.301)           24,15
                 Current Tax
                 Pajak Tangguhan                  (9.017)           (4.802)         (4.936)            120,95
                 Deferred tax
           Beban penghasilan - Bersih             (67.120)          (4.081)         (16.237)           120,95
           Income tax Expensesv - Net
           Laba bersih tahun berjalan             230.760          (50.883)          39.937            31,91
           Net profit for the year

           Pendapatan/(beban)  Komprehensif
           lainnya:                              (373.302)         216.448           14.277             6,58
           Other comprehensive income/(Expenses)

           Pendapatan/(Beban) Komprehensif lainnya:
           Other comrehensive incokme/(Expenses)
           Selisih kurs atas penjabaran mata
           uang asing                               32               (21)             53              (247,33)
           Foreigh currency translation

           Pengukuran kembali liabilitas imbalan
                                                  (5,557)          (16,104)          10.547           (65,49)
           Remeasurement  of  provision  for
           employee benefit liabilities

           Laba Komprehensif tahun berjalan
                                                  225.234          200.358           24.877            12,42
           Comprehensive income for the year
           Laba bersih yang diatribusikan kepada:
           Net Income fot the year attributable tax:
           Pemilik entitas induk
                                                  230.203          215.555           14.648             6,80
           Owners of the parent entity
           Kepentingan non pengendali
                                                    557              929             (372)            (40,01)
           Non-controling Interest

                                                  230.760          216.483           14.277             6,59

           Laba per Saham (Nilai Rupiah Penuh)
           Earning per Share (Full Rupiah Value)  9.208.11,42    8.622.185,10       585.925             6,80

         PT Surveyor Indonesia                           Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report  141
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