Page 139 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 139

PROSPERITY                      PLANET                         PEOPLE

          Efisiensi  yang  diperoleh  dari  inisiatif-inisiatif  penggunaan   Efficiency gained from shared resource utilization initiatives
          sumberdaya  bersama  tahun  2023  diproyeksikan  mencapai   in 2023 is projected to reach a value of Rp 8.75 billion. From
          nilai Rp 8,75 Miliar. Dari aspek kesisteman, telah diterbitkan   a systemic perspective, two guidelines have been issued: the
          2  (dua)  pedoman  yaitu  Pedoman  Manajemen  Portofolio   Portfolio   Product   Management   Guideline   and   the
          Produk  dan  Pedoman  Governance,  Risk  and  Compliance   Governance,  Risk,  and  Compliance  (GRC)  Guideline.
          (GRC). Selain itu, terbentuknya juga Komite TJSL PTSI sesuai   Additionally,  the  PTSI  TJSL  Committee  was  formed  in
          PER-01/MBU/03/2023, Komite Pemantau Risiko PTSI, serta   accordance  with  PER-01/MBU/03/2023,  the  PTSI  Risk
          penyesuaian  outline  RKAP  2024  dengan  ketentuan  yang   Monitoring  Committee,  and  adjustments  to  the  RKAP  2024
          diatur   dalam   PER-02/MBU/03/2023.   Terkait   aspek   outline  were  made  in  accordance  with  the  provisions
          teknologi,  upaya-upaya  digitalisasi  proses  bisnis  dan   stipulated   in   PER-02/MBU/03/2023.   Regarding   the
          penyelarasan  sistem  informasi  dilakukan  dalam  rangka   technological  aspect,  efforts  towards  digitizing  business
          efisiensi  proses  dan  perbaikan  kualitas  keputusan   processes and aligning information systems are carried out to
          manajemen  berhasil  melakukan  digitalisasi  proses  bisnis   streamline  processes  and  improve  management  decision
          sebanyak 21 (dua puluh satu) proses bisnis.          quality.  Successfully,  digitalization  of  21  (twenty-one)
                                                               business processes has been achieved.

          Tahun  2023  meneruskan  sejumlah  13  program  strategis   In  2023,  we  continued  a  total  of  13  strategic  corporate
          korporat di atas yang kemudian diterjemahkan lebih lanjut   programs  mentioned  above,  which  were  further  translated
          ke  dalam  33  Program  Kerja  Divisi  Bisnis  Strategis  dan   into  33  Work  Programs  of  Strategic  Business  Divisions  and
          Program  Kerja  Strategis  Fungsional  dimana  pelaksanaan   Functional   Strategic   Work   Programs,   where   the
          program dilakukan oleh masing-masing leading unit.   implementation  of  the  programs  was  carried  out  by  each
                                                               leading unit.

               Pendapatan per Segmen dan Kontribusinya bagi Pendapatan Usaha Jasa PTSI [OJK B.1]
                       Revenue per Segment and Its Contribution to PTSI's Service Business Revenue

                                                    2023                        2022                (Penurunan)
                                                                                                 Increase (Decrease)
                    Segmen                  Jumlah                       Jumlah    Kontribusi (%)    Nominal
                                                       Kontribusi (%)   (Rp-juta)                    (Rp-juta)
                    Segment                (Rp-juta)   Contribution (%)  Amount     Contribution      Nominal
                                       Total (Rp-million)                               (%)
                                                                        (Rp-juta)                   (Rp-million)
                                              (1)            (2)           (3)          (4)           (5 = 1-3)

           Minyak, Gas dan Energi Baru
           Oil, Gas, and Renewable         746.973          40,96       684.096        39,20         62.877
           Mineral, Batubara, dan
           Lingkungan                      471.992          25.88       329.769        18,90        142.223
           Mineral, Coal and Environment

           Infrastrktur                    306.999          16,84       258.427        14,81         48.571

           Institusi dan Kelembagaan       276.347          15,15       374.409        21,45        (98.062)
           Goverment and Institution

           PMU Sertifikasi & Laboratorium   11.152          0,61                       5,64         (87.351)
           PMU Sertifikasi & Laboratorium
           PMU Sustainability               10.074          0,55                         -           10.074
           PMU Sustainability
           Jumlah Pendapatan Usaha Jasa   1.823.537        100,00       1.745.205     100,00        140.572
           Total Service Revenue

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