Page 140 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 140

PROSPERITY                       PLANET                         PEOPLE

       Analisis Laba/(Rugi) dan Penghasilan                  Analysis  of  Consolidated  Profit/(Loss)  and
       Komprehensif Lain Konsolidasian [201-1][OJK F.2]      Other Comprehensive Income [201-1][OJK F.2]
       Pada  tahun  2023,  PTSI  berhasil  mencatat  pendapatan   In  2023,  PTSI  successfully  recorded  revenue  of  Rp  1.823
       sebesar  Rp  1,823  triliun,  mencapai  96%  dari  target   trillion, achieving 96% of the revenue target set in the RKAP
       pendapatan yang ditetapkan dalam RKAP 2023 sebesar Rp   2023 of Rp 1.731 trillion. The revenue mainly came from the
       1,731  triliun.  Pendapatan  tersebut  sebagian  besar  berasal   Strategic  Business  Divisions  (DBS)  of  Oil,  Gas,  &  Renewable
       dari  Divisi  Bisnis  Strategis  (DBS)  Oil,  Gas,  &  Renewable   Energy,  Coal,  Mineral,  &  Environment,  as  well  as
       Energy,  Coal,  Mineral,  &  Environment,  serta  Infrastructure.   Infrastructure.  However,  there  was  a  decrease  in  revenue  in
       Namun,  terdapat  penurunan  pendapatan  pada  PMU    the  Certification  &  Laboratory  PMU  due  to  the  transfer  of
       Sertifikasi  &  Laboratorium  akibat  pemindahan  portofolio   environmental portfolios to the Coal, Mineral, & Environment
       lingkungan ke DBS Coal, Mineral, & Environment. Kontribusi   DBS.  The  contribution  from  the  Sustainability  PMU  only
       dari  PMU  Sustainability  baru  terlihat  pada  tahun  2023   became  apparent  in  2023  as  it  was  its  first  year  of
       karena  merupakan  tahun  pertama  pembentukannya.    establishment. The presence of the Sustainability PMU is an
       Keberadaan  PMU  Sustainability  menjadi  faktor  tambahan   additional  factor  that  influenced  PTSI's  revenue  profile  in
       yang  mempengaruhi  profil  pendapatan  PTSI  pada  tahun   2023. [201-1][OJK F.2]
       2023. [201-1][OJK F.2]

                                                                                    Kenaikan (Penurunan)
                                                2023             2022
                                                                                      Increase (Decrease)
                                                                 Jumlah          Nominal
                  Description                  Jumlah           (Rp-juta)       (Rp-juta)         Persentase
                                              (Rp-juta)                                           Percentage
                                                                Amount           Nominal
                                           Total (Rp-million)                                        (%)
                                                                (Rp-juta)       (Rp-million)
        Pendapatan Usaha Jasa                 1.823.537         1.745.205         78.332             4,49
        Services Revenue

        Beban Usaha Kerja                     (1.300.124)      (1.257.715)       (42.409)            3,37
        Cost of Services
        Laba bruto sebelum bagian laba
        kerja sama Operasi (KSO)               523.431          487.490           35.923             7,37
        Gross profit before income from joint
        Bagian Laba KSO                        135.031          131.016           4.015              3,06
        Income from joint operation
        Laba bruto setelah bagian laba KSO
        Gross  profit  after  income  from  joint   658.443     618.506           39.937             6,46

        Beban   pemasaran,   umum   dan
                                              (373.302)         (354.990)        (18.312)            5,16
        Marketing, general and administrative

        Pendapatan lain-lain
                                                31.831           36.538           (4.697)           (12,86)
        Other Income

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