Page 225 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 225

PROSPERITY                       PLANET                        PEOPLE

          Dampak Aktual dan Potensi Negatif yang               The Actual Impact and Potential Significant
          Signifikan Terhadap Masyarakat Lokal                 Negative Effects on the Local Community
          [413-1]  [413-2]                                     [413-1] [413-2]

          Selama  lebih  dari  30  tahun,  Surveyor  Indonesia  telah   For more than 30 years, Surveyor Indonesia has been running
          menjalankan  Program  PUMK  dan  non  PUMK  berupa   the PUMK (Micro and Small Business Empowerment) and non-
          Tanggung  Jawab  Sosial  &  Lingkungan  (TJSL).  Program   PUMK  programs  in  the  form  of  Social  and  Environmental
          PUMK  atau  program  pemberdayaan  UMK  dilaksanakan   Responsibility  (TJSL).  The  PUMK  program  is  implemented  to
          untuk  meningkatkan  kemampuan  usaha  mikro  dan  usaha   improve the capacity of micro and small businesses to become
          kecil  agar  menjadi  tangguh  dan  mandiri  dalam  bentuk   resilient  and  self-reliant  through  the  provision  of  business
          pemberian  pinjaman  dana  guna  perkuatan  modal  usaha.   capital  strengthening  loans.  As  for  the  Non-PUMK-related
          Adapun untuk program yang berkaitan dengan Non-PUMK,   program, Surveyor Indonesia carries out a series of activities
          surveyor indonesia melakukan serangkaian kegiatan seperti   such as providing clean water infrastructure, blood donation,
          penyediaan infrastruktur air bersih, donor darah, pelatihan,   training,  grants,  and  other  assistance.  The  programs
          hibah, dan pemberian lainya. Program yang telah dilakukan   conducted  by  PTSI  provide  various  benefits  to  the  local
          PTSI memberikan berbagai manfaat bagi masyarakat lokal,   community, such as:

            •  Tersedianya  produk  perusahaan  yang  bermanfaat   •  Availability of company products that are economically,
               secara ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan               socially, and environmentally beneficial
            •  Terpeliharanya lingkungan di sekitar wilayah operasi   •  Preservation of the environment around the company's
               perusahaan                                           operational area
            •  Terciptanya  dan  tumbuhnya  klaster  lokal  di  wilayah   •  Creation and growth of local clusters in the company's
               operasional perusahaan                               operational area
            •  Membuka  peluang  bagi  UMK  untuk  meningkatkan   •  Opening opportunities for micro and small businesses to
               kontribusi usahanya                                  increase their contributions
            •  Memperkuat struktur keuangan UMK                  •  Strengthening the financial structure of micro and small
            •  Bantuan   pendanaan   dan   pembinaan   untuk     •  Funding  and  mentoring  assistance  to  increase  the
               meningkatkan kapasitas usaha UMK                     business capacity of micro and small businesses
            •  Bantuan saat terjadi bencana alam dan non alam    •  Assistance  in  the  event  of  natural  and  non-natural
            •  Pemenuhan  kebutuhan  sarana  dan  prasarana  umum   •  Provision of public infrastructure and facilities as well as
               serta sarana ibadah                                  places of worship

          Program TJSL juga memberikan manfaat bagi perusahaan,   The TJSL program also provides benefits to the company, such
          seperti:                                             as:
            •  Peningkatan Brand Image Perusahaan                •  Improving the Company's Brand Image
            •  Peningkatan Pendapatan Perusahaan                 •  Increasing Company Revenue
            •  Penghematan Energi                                •  Energy Savings
            •  Penghematan Biaya Operasional Perusahaan          •  Operational Cost Savings
            •  Peningkatan Hubungan baik dengan Stakeholder      •  Improving good relations with Stakeholders

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