Page 184 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 184

PROSPERITY                       PLANET                         PEOPLE

                                                                                             Kenaikan (Penurunan)
                                   2023                                 2022
                                                                                               Increase (Decrease)
         Organisasi                    Jumlah  Komposisi                    Jumlah  Komposisi  Jumlah  Persentase
       Organizational   Laki-Laki Perempuan  (orang)  (%)  Laki-Laki Perempuan  (orang)  (%)  (orang)    (%)
           Level     Male     Female    Total   Compositio  Male  Female     Total   Compositio  Total   Persentage
                                       (persons)  n (%)                    (persons)  n (%)  (persons)   (%)

                                         (1)                                  (2)             (3=1-2)    (3/2)
        Staf, Non
                       307       236      543     35,98     355       298      653     39,70    (110)   (16,85)
        Staff, Non

        Jumlah       1.144       365    1.509   100,00    1.206       439   1.645    100,00    (136)     (8,27)

       *Keterangan: Pada tahun 2023, nomenklatur jabatan Kepala   *Note:  In  2023,  the  job  title  nomenclature  "Kepala  Bagian"
       Bagian  diubah  menjadi  Assistant  Vice  President  (AVP)  di   was  changed  to  Assistant  Vice  President  (AVP)  at  the  head
       kantor  pusat  dan  Senior  Manager  (SM)  di  unit  operasi/  office and Senior Manager (SM) at operational units/branches.

                    Persentase Pegawai di Setiap Kategori Pegawai berdasarkan Usia  [405-1]
                           Percentage of Employees in Each Employee Category Based on Age

                                       2023                               2022                    (Penurunan)
                                                                                               Increase (Decrease)

          Rentang Usia                              Komposisi                         Komposisi  Jumlah
                                            Jumlah                            Jumlah                   Persentase
           Age Range     Laki-Laki  Perempuan         (%)   Laki-Laki  Perempuan        (%)    (orang)
                                            (orang)                           (orang)                    (%)
                           Male    Female          Composition   Male  Female         Composition   Total
                                          Total (persons)                   Total (persons)           Persentage (%)
                                                      (%)                               (%)    (persons)
                                             (1)                               (2)             (3=1-2)   (3/2)
        > 46 Tahun         233      72      305      20,21    101     32      133      8,09     172     56,39
        > 46 years old
        36 - 45 Tahun
        36 - 45 years old  358      74      432      28,63    309     73      382      23,22    50      11,57

        26 - 35 Tahun
        36 - 45 years old  512      189     701      46,45    444     113     557      33,86    144     20,54

        < 25 Tahun
                           41       30       71      4,71     352     221     573      34,83   (502)    707,04
        < 25 years old
                          1.144     365     1.509   100,00   1.206   439     1.645    100,00   (136)    (8,27)

       184         Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report               PT Surveyor Indonesia
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