Page 179 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 179

PROSPERITY                       PLANET                        PEOPLE

          PTSI  consistently  creates  a  positive  work  climate  and  culture.  Company  is  committed  to  promoting  the  improvement  of
          competence,  professionalism,  innovation,  and  employee  development  to  achieve  enhanced  company  performance  and
          sustainable progress.

          To support the achievement of long-term goals, both in ID Survey and PTSI, the Human Capital Division aligns the management
          of Human Resources with the PTSI's needs. As a reference for this alignment program, Company has developed a Human Capital
          Management Roadmap, outlined as follows.

                                           2023                                        2024
                                      Gelombang 3 Wave 3                         Gelombang 4 Wave 4
                                 Mempersiapkan talenta berdaya saing      Memperkuat Kapabilitas talenta yang Agile &
                               global yang mampu mendorong keunggulan      Resilience melalui reskilling & Upskilling New
                                           bersaing                                  competencies
                                  Preparing globally competitive talents   Strengthening the capabilities of Agile & Resilient
                                 capable of driving competitive excellence  talents through reskilling & upskilling in new

                           Menetapkan dominasi nasional
                                                                                   GO WIN OVERSEAS
                               Set National Dominance

                                        Global Business and                      World Class Expertise and
                                      Experience Global Talent                        Global Leader

                                                                            Sumber Daya Manusia sebagai Mitra
                                    Fokus Integrasi Sistem HC dan           Strategis yang Melayani Layanan yang
                                       optimalisasi tenaga kerja           Tercipta Secara Digital dan Menghasilkan
                                                                               Keahlian Sumber Daya Manusia.
                                   Focus on HC System Integration and        Human Capital as Strategic Partner fully
                                       Workforce Optimization               Digitalized Services Monetizing HC Expertise

                               •  Integrasi sistem HC dalam menjalankan proses bisnis  HC bertransformasi secara menyeluruh
                               •  Succession & Performance Development System  •  Menjadi Strategic Partner berbasis portfolio dalam
                               •  Penyelarasan TNA dengan Strategi Perusahaan dan   mendeliver bisnis
                                 IDS (Leadership, Portfolio Genetik & New (GI, TKDN,   •  Mendelivery layanan HC melalui digital secara full
                                 SDGs & Environment) dan digitalisasi konten)  •  Menginisiasi layanan HC dimonetasi
                               •  Integration of HC system in executing business processes  Human Capital undergoes a comprehensive
                               •  Succession & Performance Development System  transformation
                               •  Alignment of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) with   •  Becoming a portfolio-based Strategic Partner in
                                Company Strategy and IDS (Leadership, Genetic Portfolio   delivering business
                                & New (GI, TKDN, SDGs & Environment), and content   •  Fully delivering HC services through digital means
                                digitization)                             •  Initiating monetized HC services

         PT Surveyor Indonesia                           Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report  179
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