Page 177 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 177

PROSPERITY                       PLANET                        PEOPLE

          Surveyor Indonesia is committed to strengthening the competencies and capabilities of its employees through certifications and
          regular training. The Human Capital Division, under the leadership of the Director of Human Resources, is fully responsible for
          managing  employees  and  strategically  developing  human  resources.  The  human  resources  strategy  is  detailed  in  the  RJPP
          2020-2024 as follows: [3-3][OJK C.3]

           Becoming a globally recognized independent National Assurance
            company that provides comprehensive solutions to customers.

            Synergize internal business processes and organisation   Enhance company competitiveness and
                                structure                                         capability
                                                                     Excellence talent experience to attract,
                  Strategic talent budgeting and allocation          retain, assess, and develop organisation

                       DHC as the Manager of Talent Value Surveyor Indonesia to Support the Achievement of the
                                               Company's Strategic Directions.

               DHC menguatkan inti          DHC membentuk HR system integration and   DHC memiliki pemahaman dan
           pengelolaan SDM sebagai dasar     Automation untuk memudahkan proses        arahan strategis yang
             dalam pembentukan talent       personalia yang bersifat transaksional yang   memungkinkan alokasi SDM
               experience yang prima      mewujudkan talent experience yang prima yang   yang lebih akurat dan dinamis
                                            terasa oleh semua SDM Surveyor Indonesia
             DHC strengthens the core of                                           DHC possesses strategic insights
                                            DHC establishes HR system integration and
           human resource management as                                             and direction that enable more
                                          automation to simplify transactional personnel
            the foundation for creating an                                          accurate and dynamic human
                                         processes, creating an excellent talent experience
             excellent talent experience.                                               resource allocation.
                                            felt by all employees of Surveyor Indonesia.
                Talent Experience                         Talent Acquisition and Development

          •  HRIS Integration             •  Program Magang Bersertifikasi  •  Certified Internship Program
          •  Realisasi konsep Learning Center  •  BUMN joint Recruitment  •  State-Owned Enterprises Joint Recruitment
          •  HRIS Integration             •  Management Development    •  Management Development Program
          •  Realization of the Learning   Program
            Center Concept                •  Management Trainee Program  •  Management Trainee Program
                                          •  Functional Development Program  •  Functional Development Program

                                 Stakeholder Management

             •  Program dan komunikasi dengan kementerian BUMN

                                    Source : Executive Summary of RJPP 2020-2024 of PT Surveyor Indonesia

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