Page 173 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 173

PROSPERITY                      PLANET                         PEOPLE

         Mekanisme Pengaduan Masalah

         Lingkungan Hidup

         Mechanism for Environmental Complaint Reporting

          Dalam  menjalankan  kegiatan  operasionalnya,  PTSI  selalu   In  its  operations,  PTSI  consistently  adheres  to  various
          mematuhi  berbagai  regulasi  lingkungan  yang  berlaku   applicable  environmental  regulations  with  the  primary  goal
          dengan tujuan utama untuk mencegah terjadinya dampak   of preventing negative impacts on the environment and the
          negatif  bagi  lingkungan  dan  masyarakat.  Namun,  sebagai   community.  As  a  demonstration  of  its  social  and
          wujud tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan, perusahaan   environmental  responsibility,  the  company  has  established
          telah  membuka  berbagai  saluran  pengaduan  lingkungan,   multiple  channels  for  environmental  complaints,  including
          termasuk  melalui  telepon,  surat,  email,  dan  layanan   telephone,  mail,  email,  and  Customer  Service.  PTSI  is
          Customer Service. PTSI berkomitmen untuk menindaklanjuti   committed  to  following  up  on  each  complaint  received  by
          setiap pengaduan yang diterima dengan melibatkan divisi   involving  the  relevant  divisions  or  units.  The  following  are
          atau unit terkait. Berikut adalah beberapa saluran pelaporan   some of the available reporting channels:
          yang tersedia:

          Telepon   : 021-5265526                              Telephone : 021-5265526
          Website  :                            Website     :
          Surat       : PT Surveyor Indonesia, Graha Surveyor Indonesia,   Mail          : PT Surveyor Indonesia, Graha Surveyor Indonesia
                   Jl.  Gatot  Subroto  Kav.  56  Jakarta,  12950  -     Jl.  Gatot  Subroto  Kav.  56  Jakarta,  12950  -
                   Indonesia                                             Indonesia

          Meskipun  demikian,  hingga  akhir  tahun  2023,  perusahaan   However, until the end of 2023, the company has not received
          belum  menerima  aduan  lingkungan  dari  pihak  eksternal.   any environmental complaints from external parties.
          [OJK F.16 ]                                          [OJK F.16]

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