Page 68 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 68

Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

      Wilayah Operasi [2-1][OJK C.3]

       Operation Areas

       Pasar  yang  dilayani  PTSI  sebagian  besar  merupakan   The  markets  served  by  PTSI  mostly  consist  of  companies
       perusahaan  yang  bergerak  pada  sektor  perindustrian  dan   operating in the industrial and trade sectors, the oil and gas
       perdagangan, sektor Migas dan Energi, sektor mineral dan   sector,  the  mineral  and  coal  sector,  as  well  as  the
       batubara,  serta  sektor  infrastruktur.  Selain  di  Indonesia,   infrastructure  sector.  In  addition  to  Indonesia,  PTSI  also  has
       PTSI  juga  memiliki  kantor  perwakilan  yang  berdomisili  di   representative offices based in Singapore, as part of its market
       Singapura, sebagai langkah ekspansi pasar ke luar negeri.  expansion strategy overseas.

                                                                               1        KANTOR CABANG
                                                                                        PERWAKILAN DI

                                                                             1 Branch Representative Office in

                     KANTOR CABANG
            9        PT SURVEYOR INDONESIA


          9 Branches of PTSI Spread
          Across INDONESIA

       68          Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report               PT Surveyor Indonesia
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73