Page 63 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                                             2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

          4.  DBS Oil, Gas & Renewable Energy                   4. DBS Oil, Gas & Renewable Energy
            1.  Kegiatan  pengeboran  Migas  dan  Panas  Bumi  (IPM,   1.  Oil and Gas (Migas) and Geothermal Drilling Activities
               pengeboran, workover)                                (IPM, Drilling, Workover)
               Layanan  jasa  pengeboran  minyak  dan  gas  (Migas),   Drilling  services  for  oil  and  gas  (Migas),  geothermal,
               panas bumi serta kegiatan usaha-usaha lainnya yang   and  other  related  activities  associated  with  drilling
               terkait dengan kegiatan usaha jasa pengeboran yang   services  that  support  the  needs  of  exploration  and
               menunjang   kebutuhan   kegiatan   pengeboran        exploitation  drilling  activities  for  both  oil  and  gas
               ekplorasi dan eksploitasi baik Migas dan panas bumi.  (Migas) and geothermal resources.

            2.  Kegiatan  Penunjang  Pengeboran  (well  testing,  well   2.  Supporting  Drilling  Activities  (well  testing,  well
               integrity, services lainya)                          integrity, other services)
               Layanan  jasa  instalasi  peralatan  untuk  melakukan   Service of installing equipment to conduct drilling into
               pengeboran  ke  dalam  reservoir  bawah  tanah  untuk   underground reservoirs to obtain oil, natural gas, and
               memperoleh minyak, gas bumi, dan panas bumi atau     geothermal resources or underground mineral deposits,
               deposit mineral–mineral bawah tanah dan dapat juga   which  can  also  be  used  for  identifying  the  geological
               digunakan  untuk  identifikasi  sifat  geologis  dari   properties of reservoirs.
            3.  Q&Q Cargo/Bulk Survey                             3.  Q&Q Cargo/Bulk Survey
               Layanan  jasa  survei  untuk  menentukan  berapa     Survey  services  to  determine  the  quantity/weight  and
               jumlah/ berat dan kualitas cargo yang dimuat di kapal   quality of cargo loaded onto a ship or stored in a land
               atau  yang  disimpan  di  gudang  darat  yang        warehouse concerning safety of the transported goods,
               menyangkut  keselamatan  terhadap  barang  yang      humans, and also the safety of the goods on the ship.
               diangkut, manusia dan juga keselamatan dari barang
               – barang yang ada di kapal tersebut.
            4.  Q&Q Gas Cargo Survey                              4.  Q&Q Gas Cargo Survey
               Layanan jasa survei quantity dan quality cargo dalam   Survey services for the quantity and quality of cargo in
               bentuk gas cair (LPG & LNG) dan petrokimia.          the  form  of  liquefied  gasses  (LPG  &  LNG)  and
            5.  Q&Q Liquid Cargo Survey                           5.  Q&Q Liquid Cargo Survey
               Layanan  jasa  survei  quantity  dan  quality  Minyak   Survey services for the quantity and quality of crude oil,
               mentah, (crude oil), Bahan bakar Minyak (product oil),   petroleum products (product oil), and biodiesel.
               Bahan bakar Nabati (biodiesel).

            6.  Survei dan Interpretasi Seismik                   6.  Seismic Survey and Interpretation
               Layanan  jasa  survei  pencarian  cadangan  migas  di   Service of conducting surveys for the search of oil and
               bawah  permukaan  bumi  dengan  menggunakan          gas reserves beneath the Earth's surface using seismic
               gelombang  seismik  dalam  rangka  eksplorasi  daerah   waves  as  part  of  hydrocarbon  (oil  and  natural  gas)
               prospek hidrokarbon (minyak dan gas bumi).           prospect exploration in potential areas.

            7.  Survey  Kebumian  (Geologi,  Geofisika,  Geokimia,   7.  Geological Survey (Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry,
               Geolistrik, Geoteknik, Soil Investigation)           Geoelectric, Geotechnical, Soil Investigation)
               Layanan  jasa  survei  yang  sistematis  dan  rinci  atas   Systematic and detailed survey services of the physical
               struktur  fisik  batuan  yang  merupakan  tahap      structure of rocks, which is a preliminary stage in the
               pendahuluan  dalam  proses  pencarian  minyak,  dan   process  of  oil  exploration,  and  the  only  practical  way
               satu-satunya cara yang praktis selain pemboran untuk   besides  drilling  to  determine  the  shape  and  extent  of
               menentukan  bentuk  dan  luas  struktur  bawah       subsurface structures that may contain hydrocarbons.
               permukaan yang mungkin mengandung hidrokarbon.
            8.  Technical Staffing System                         8.  Technical Staffing System
               Layanan jasa pendampingan dan penyediaan tenaga      Service of providing assistance and supplying workforce
               kerja  untuk  perusahaan  industri  minyak,  gas  dan   for  companies  in  the  oil,  gas,  and  renewable  energy
               renewable energi.                                    industries.

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