Page 66 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

         20. Supervisi/(QA/QC)  Fasilitas  Industri  Migas,  EBT,  dan   20. Supervision/(QA/QC) Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, and
            Kelistrikan                                           Electrical Industry Facilities
            Layanan  supervisi,  QA/QC  fasilitas  industri  Minyak,   Service of supervision, QA/QC of Oil, Gas, Energy, and
            Gas,  Energi  dan  Kelistrikan  dari  pemeriksaan  teknis   Electrical  industry  facilities  by  technical  inspector
            inspektor yang meliputi bejanan tekan, tangki, timbun   inspections  covering  pressure  vessels,  tanks,  pipelines,
            pisa penyalur, dan lain lain.                         and others.

         21. Kajian/  Konsultansi/  Perencanaan  Teknis  bidang   21. Study/Consultancy/Technical  Planning  in  Oil  &  Gas,
            Migas, kelistrikan dan EBT                            Electrical, and Renewable Energy Fields
            Layanan jasa kajian, konsultansi, perencanaan teknis   Service of study, consultancy, technical planning in Oil
            bidang Migas, Kelistrikan dan EBT dengan akreditasi   &  Gas,  Electrical,  and  Renewable  Energy  fields
            ISO  17020,  kegiatan  meliputi  kajian  bejanan  tekan,   accredited with ISO 17020, activities include studies on
            tangki timbun, pipa penyalur, dan lain lain.          pressure vessels, storage tanks, pipelines, and others.

       5. PMU Sertifikasi                                    5. PMU Certification
          a.  Sertifikasi Produk Halal                          a.  Halal Product Certification
            Sesuai  UU  No.  33  Tahun  2014  bahwa  produk  yang   According to Law No. 33 of 2014, products that enter,
            masuk,  beredar,  dan  diperdagangkan  di  wilayah    circulate, and are traded in the territory of Indonesia
            Indonesia  wajib  bersertifikat  halal  atau  diberikan   must  be  halal-certified  or  provided  with  non-halal
            keterangan  tidak  halal.  Sertifikat  Halal  adalah   information. A Halal Certificate is a recognition of the
            pengakuan kehalalan suatu produk yang dikeluarkan     halal status of a product issued by BPJPH based on a
            oleh  BPJPH  berdasarkan  fatwa  halal  tertulis  yang   written halal fatwa issued by MUI.
            dikeluarkan MUI.

          b. Sertifikasi ISO 9001 Sertifikasi Sistem Manajemen   b.  ISO 9001 Certification Quality Management System
            Mutu                                                  Audit  service  for  institutions/companies  in  the
            Layanan  jasa  audit  kepada  lembaga/perusahaan      implementation of the ISO 9001 international energy
            dalam penerapan sistem manajemen energi ISO 9001      management    system   related   to   the   quality
            berbasis internasional terkait manajemen mutu dari    management of products or services produced.
            produk atau jasa yang dihasilkan.

       6. PMU Pelumas                                        6. Lubricant PMU
          a.  Pemeriksaan dan Pengujian Produk Petroleum        a.  Examination and Testing of Petroleum Products
            Layanan  jasa  berbasis  produk  petroleum  yang      Service based on petroleum products including:
            meliputi antara lain:
            1.  Laboratorium pengujian minyak pelumas             1.  Lubricating oil testing laboratory
            2.  Sertifikasi produk pelumas                        2.  Lubricant product certification
            3.  Uji unjuk kerja bahan bakar dan pelumas           3.  Performance testing of fuel and lubricants
            4.  Layanan Oil Condition Monitoring (OCM)            4.  Oil Condition Monitoring (OCM) service

       7. PMU Sustainability                                 7. Sustainability PMU

          a.  Konsultansi  yang  mendukung  tujuan  pembangunan   a.  Consultancy  Supporting  Sustainable  Development
            berkelanjutan  /  Sustainable  Development  Goals     Goals (SDGs), including: [OJK F.26]
            (SDGs) yang meliputi antara lain: [OJK F.26]
             1.  Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)       1.  Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
             2.  Sustainability Report & Annual Report             2.  Sustainability Report & Annual Report
             3.  Carbon Accounting/Carbon Offset                   3.  Carbon Accounting/Carbon Offset
             4.  Traceability for Sustainable Commodities          4.  Traceability for Sustainable Commodities
             5.  Responsible Investment/Green Bond                 5.  Responsible Investment/Green Bond
             6.  Carbon Reduction Plan                             6.  Carbon Reduction Plan
             7.  Inventarisasi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK)                7.  Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory
             8.  Social Impact Assessment (SROI, CSV)              8.  Social Impact Assessment (SROI, CSV)
             9.  Climate Risk Analysis                             9.  Climate Risk Analysis
             10. Nature Based Solution                             10. Nature-Based Solutions
             11. CSR/ TJSL Report and Advisory                     11. CSR/TJSL Report and Advisory

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