Page 71 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                                             2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

         Jejak Langkah



          1991 PTSI didirikan pada tanggal
          1 Agustus 1991 dengan misi awal
          membantu Pemerintah Republik
          Indonesia dalam memperlancar
          aliran barang modal dan                        1997
          peralatan ke Indonesia. Didukung
                                               1997 Dengan berakhirnya
          kantor cabang di 22 negara, PTSI
                                               penugasan PSI, sejak April 1997,
          menjalankan fungsi Pre Shipment
                                               PTSI telah merumuskan misi
          Inspection (PSI) dengan
                                               sebagai perusahaan jasa surveyor
          melakukan pemeriksaan pra
                                               dalam arti luas. PTSI memberikan
          pengapalan yang bertaraf                                                           1998
                                               beberapa layanan berupa
                                               pemeriksaan teknis, survei,
                                               pengkajian, penilaian
          1991 PTSI was founded on August                                            1998  PTSI  melakukan  sejumlah
                                               pengawasan, auditing serta
          1, 1991, with the initial mission of                                       diversifikasi   produk   jasa
          assisting  the  Government  of  the                                        berbasis   survei,   verifikasi,
          Republic   of   Indonesia   in                                             monitoring dan konsultasi.
                                               1997  With  the  end  of  PSI's
          facilitating  the  flow  of  capital
                                               assignment, since April 1997, PTSI
          goods   and    equipment   to                                              1998  PTSI  has  diversified  into
                                               has  formulated  its  mission  as  a
          Indonesia.  Supported  by  branch                                          several  service  products  based
                                               surveyor  services  company  in  the
          offices  in  22  countries,  PTSI                                          on   surveying,   verification,
                                               broadest  sense.  PTSI  provides
          conducts   the   Pre-Shipment                                              monitoring, and consulting.
                                               several  services  in  the  form  of
          Inspection   (PSI)   function   by
                                               technical   inspections,   surveys,
          conducting international standard
                                               assessments,        supervisory
          pre-shipment inspections.
                                               assessments,   auditing,   and
                                                                                     2008   PTSI   melakukan   re-
                                                                                     focusing  pada  bisnis  yang
                                                                                     sudah   dijalankan   dengan
                                                         2015                        mengoptimalkan     kekuatan
                                                                                     sebagai independent assurance.
                                                 2015 Penguatan pada 4 (empat)
                                                 sektor bisnis, yaitu Institusi dan   2008 PTSI is re-focusing on the
                                                 Kelembagaan,   Infrastruktur,       business  that  has  been  carried
                                                 Mineral  dan  Batubara,  Migas      out  by  optimizing  its  strengths
                     2016                        dan Energi.                         as an independent assurance.

                                                 2015  Strengthening  in  4  (four)
             2016 PTSI meluncurkan tagline
                                                 business   sectors,   namely
             baru:  Your  Trusted  Partner  for
                                                 Institutions  and  Institutions,
                                                 Infrastructure,   Mineral   and
                                                 Coal, Oil and Gas and Energy
             PTSI  launched  a  new  tagline:
             Your   Trusted   Partner   for

         PT Surveyor Indonesia                           Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report  71
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