Page 65 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                                             2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

            16. Inspeksi  Peralatan  &  Asset  Management  Industri   16. Equipment  Inspection  &  Asset  Management  for  Oil  &
               Migas dan Energi                                     Gas and Energy Industry
               Layanan  jasa  inspeksi  peralatan  operasional  and   Service  of  inspecting  operational  and  maintenance
               maintenance  (O&M)  dan  infrastruktur  minyak,  gas   (O&M)  equipment  and  infrastructure  for  oil,  gas,  and
               dan industri yang meliputi Risk Based Inspection, Non   industrial  sectors,  including  Risk-Based  Inspection,
               Destructive  Test  (NDT),  Statutory  and  Voluntary   Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Statutory and Voluntary
               Inspection,  Riksa  Uji  K3,  Rig  Inspection,  Drill  Pipe   Inspection,  Safety  Inspection  Testing,  Rig  Inspection,
               Inspection  and  Tubular  Inspection  (OCTG),  dan   Drill Pipe Inspection, and Tubular Inspection (OCTG), as
               Predictive/  Preventive  Maintenance.  Layanan  jasa   well as Predictive/Preventive Maintenance. Consultancy
               konsultansi  asset  manajemen  industri  yang  meliputi   services  for  industrial  asset  management  including
               Plant Life Time Assessment, Plant Reengineering, Plant   Plant  Lifetime  Assessment,  Plant  Reengineering,  Plant
               Risk  Assessment,  Failure  Analysis,  Remaining  Life   Risk  Assessment,  Failure  Analysis,  and  Remaining  Life
               Assessment (RLA).                                    Assessment (RLA).

            17. Inspeksi  Sarana  &  Prasarana  Pengapalan  (Marine   17. Marine Facility Inspection
               Inspection)                                          Service of installing equipment to conduct drilling into
               Layanan  jasa  instalasi  peralatan  untuk  melakukan   underground reservoirs to obtain oil, natural gas, and
               pengeboran  ke  dalam  reservoir  bawah  tanah  untuk   geothermal resources or underground mineral deposits,
               memperoleh minyak, gas bumi, dan panas bumi atau     which  can  also  be  used  for  identifying  the  geological
               deposit mineral-mineral bawah tanah dan dapat juga   properties of reservoirs.
               digunakan  untuk  identifikasi  sifat  geologis  dari
               1.  Layanan  jasa  inspeksi  sarana  dan  prasarana   1.  Conditional Survey: Inspection service for shipping
                 pengapalan  yang  meliputi  kegiatan  survei          facilities  and  infrastructure  involving  verification
                 verifikasi dan pengujian kondisi fisik kapal beserta   and testing of the physical condition of ships and
                 perlengkapannya (Conditional Survey)                  their equipment.
               2.  survei pengukuran dan perhitungan bahan bakar    2.  Bunker  Survey:  Survey  service  for  measuring  and
                 minyak di kapal (Bunker Survey)                       calculating fuel oil on ships.
               3.  survei  pemastian  kondisi  penarikan  kapal  tunda   3.  Towing  Lashing  Survey:  Inspection  service  to
                 dan  kondisi  keamanan  pengikatan  barang            ensure  the  condition  of  tugboat  towing  and  the
                 diatasnya (Towing Lashing Survey)                     safety of cargo securing on it.
               4.  verifikasi  dan  pengujian  kondisi  kapal  beserta   4.  On  Hires  &  Off  Hires  Inspection:  Verification  and
                 bahan  bakarnya  sebelum  dan  sesudah  dilakukan     testing  of  the  condition  of  ships  and  their  fuel
                 perjanjian  sewa-menyewa  (On  Hires  &  Off  Hires   before and after lease agreements.

            18. Konsultansi/Verifikasi/Quantity  Assurance  di  Industri   18. Consultancy/Verification/Quantity   Assurance   in
               Hulu Migas dan EBT                                   Upstream Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy Industry
               Layanan  jasa  konsultansi  dan  verifikasi  quantity   Service  of  consultancy  and  verification  of  Quantity
               Assurance di kegiatan Industri Hulu Migas dan Energi   Assurance  in  Upstream  Oil  &  Gas  and  Renewable
               Baru  Terbarukan  dengan  teknologi  aplikasi  Flow   Energy  Industry  using  Flow  Qount  application
               Qount.                                               technology.

            19. Konsultansi/Survey/Verifikasi/Inventarisasi Aset   19. Consultancy/Survey/Verification/Asset Inventory in Oil
               Fasilitas Industri Migas dan EBT                     & Gas and Renewable Energy Industry Facilities
               Layanan  jasa  konsultasi,  survey,  verifikasi  dan   Service  of  consultancy,  survey,  verification,  and  asset
               inventarisasi  aset  fasilitas  industri  Minyak,  Gas  dan   inventory  in  Oil,  Gas,  and  Renewable  Energy  Industry
               Energi  Baru  Terbarukan  dengan  melakukan  kegiatan   facilities  by  conducting  data  collection  of  quality  and
               pendataan kualitas dan kuantitas (Q&Q) dibantu alat   quantity  (Q&Q)  assisted  by  drone  and  GPS  Geodetic
               drone dan GPS Geodetik.                              tools.

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