Page 60 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

          b. Konsultansi Manajemen Aset                         b.  Asset Management Consultancy
            Konsultansi  manajemen  aset  meliputi  kegiatan      Asset management consultancy encompasses activities
            pencatatan,  pengamanan,  pendokumentasian  dan       related  to  recording,  securing,  documenting,  and
            pelaporan  hasil  pencatatan  kepemilikan  suatu  aset   reporting  the  ownership  of  an  asset  for  control,
            untuk pengendalian, pengamanan, dan pengawasan.       security,   and   supervision.   Asset   management
            Layanan  jasa  konsultansi  manajemen  aset  juga     consultancy  services  also  include  assessing  the  most
            meliputi  penilaian  aset  yang  paling  layak  dan   suitable  and  optimal  assets,  physically  feasible,
            optimal,  secara  fisik  dimungkinkan,  dibenarkan    regulation-compliant, financially feasible, and yielding
            secara  peraturan,  layak  secara  finansial  dan     the  highest  value.  Asset  Management  Consultancy
            menghasilkan   nilai   tertinggi.   Layanan   Jasa    Services include:
            Konsultansi Manajemen Aset mencakup:
            1.  Inventarisasi Aset                                1.  Asset Inventory
            2.  High Best Use Study                               2.  High Best Use Study
            3.  Komersialisasi Aset : Properti, Alat Operasi      3.  Asset  Commercialization:  Property,  Operational
            4.  Kajian kelayakan re-used dan re-cycle aset        4.  Feasibility Study of Asset Re-use and Recycling
            5.  Konsultansi   kajian   pengamanan   aset   (aset   5.  Asset Security Consultancy (asset protection study)

          c.  Audit dan Verifikasi Sistem Manajemen Berbasis K3  c.  Audit  and  Verification  of  Occupational  Health  and
            Layanan Jasa berbasis regulasi K3 mencakup:           Safety Management Systems
                                                                  Regulation-based K3 (Occupational Health and Safety)
                                                                  services include:
            1.  Audit  Sistem  Manajemen  Keselamatan  dan        1.  Audit   of   Occupational   Health   and   Safety
               Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3)                               Management Systems (SMK3)
            2.  Verifikasi dokumen pengendalian potensi bahaya    2.  Verification  of  chemical  hazard  potential  control
               kimia                                                documents
            3.  Verifikasi   dokumen   pencegahan     dan         3.  Verification of prevention and mitigation documents
               penanggulangan keadaan darurat kimia                 for chemical emergencies
            4.  Verifikasi tanggap darurat bahan kimia berbahaya   4.  Verification  of  emergency  response  for  hazardous
               dan Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3)                 chemicals and Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3)
            5.  Pemeriksaan dan pengujian lingkungan kerja K3     5.  Inspection and testing of K3 work environments
            6.  Pelatihan K3LL                                    6.  K3LL Training

          d. Pengembangan Sistem Manajemen Berbasis Standar     d.  Development  of  Management  Systems  Based  on
            Nasional maupun Internasional                         National and International Standards
            Layanan Jasa Konsultasi sistem manajemen berbasis     Consultancy  services  for  management  systems  based
            International  Organization  for  Standardization  (ISO)   on the International Organization for Standardization
            mencakup:                                             (ISO) include:
            1.  ISO 9001 Sistem Manajemen Mutu                    1.  ISO 9001 Quality Management System
            2.  ISO 28000:2009 Pembangunan Sistem Manajemen       2.  ISO   28000:2009   Development   of   Security
               Keamanan pada Rantai Pasokan                         Management Systems for Supply Chains
            3.  ISO 37001 Sistem Manajemen Anti Suap (SMAP)       3.  ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)

            4.  ISO 50001 Sistem Manajemen Energi                 4.  ISO 50001 Energy Management System
            5.  ISO 55001 Sistem Manajemen Aset                   5.  ISO 55001 Asset Management System
            6.  ISO  45001  Sistem  Manajemen  Kesehatan  dan     6.  ISO  45001  Occupational  Health  and  Safety
               Keselamatan Kerja                                    Management System (OHSMS)
            7.  ISO 14001 Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan             7.  ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
            8.  ISO 31000 Sistem Manajemen Risiko                 8.  ISO 31000 Risk Management System
            9.  ISO   27001   Sistem   Manajemen   Keamanan       9.  ISO  27001  Information  Security  Management
               Informasi                                            System (ISMS)
            10. Training Sistem Manajemen                         10. Management System Training

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