Page 56 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

       Segmen Usaha                                          Business Segments
       Berdasarkan  Keputusan  Direksi  PTSI  No.  003/DRU-III/  Based on Decision of the Board of Directors of PTSI No. 003/
       DSDM/2023  tentang  Struktur  Organisasi  Perusahaan,  PTSI   DRU-III/DSDM/2023  regarding  the  Organizational  Structure
       membuat  perubahan  pada  nomenklatur  Unit  Operasi  (   of the Company, PTSI made changes to the nomenclature of
       Operational  Unit)  terdiri  dari  Divisi  Operasi,  Divisi  Bisnis   Operational Units, consisting of the Operations Division, the
       Strategis  (DBS)  dan  Project  Management  Unit  (PMU)  yang   Strategic  Business  Division  (DBS),  and  the  Project
       berpengaruh terhadap kebijakan sektor usaha atau segmen   Management  Unit  (PMU)  that  affect  the  sectoral  policies  or
       operasi  PTSI.  Sektor  usaha  atau  segmen  operasi  melalui   operational  segments  of  PTSI.  The  business  sectors  or
       Unit Bisnis PTSI terbagi menjadi 4 (empat) DBS dan 3 (tiga)   operational segments through PTSI Business Units are divided
       PMU, yaitu DBS Oil, Gas, and Renewable Energy, DBS Coal,   into 4 (four) DBSs and 3 (three) PMUs, namely DBS Oil, Gas,
       Mineral  and  Environment,  DBS  Infrastructure,  DBS   and Renewable Energy, DBS Coal, Mineral and Environment,
       Government and Institution, PMU Sertifikasi, PMU Pelumas   DBS  Infrastructure,  DBS  Government  and  Institution,  PMU
       dan PMU Sustainability.                               Certification, PMU Lubricants, and PMU Sustainability.

       DBS Goverment       DBS         DBS Mineral    DBS Oil, Gas &     PMU        PMU Sertifikasi  PMU Pelumas
       and Institution  Infrastructure  Coal and       Renewable      Sustainability
                                       Enviromental     Energy

       Product Portfolio [2-6][OJK C.4]                      Product Portfolio [2-6][OJK C.4]
       Berdasarkan  Surat  Keputusan  Direksi  PTSI  No.SKD  -007  /  Based on the Decree of the Board of Directors of PTSI No.SKD
       DRU-XI/DPPP/2022  tentang  Penetapan  Produk  /  Layanan   -007  /DRU-XI/DPPP/2022  regarding  the  Establishment  of
       Jasa  Perusahaan  PT  Surveyor  Indonesia,  Perusahaan   Products/Services of PT Surveyor Indonesia, the Company has
       menetapkan   daftar   portofolio   produk   dan   unit   established  a  list  of  product  portfolios  and  their  managing
       pengelolanya, seperti yang tercantum di bawah ini:    units, as listed below:

       1.  DBS Coal, Mineral & Environment                   DBS Coal, Mineral & Environment
          a.  Coal and Mineral Handling
                                                             a. Coal and Mineral Handling
            Layanan  jasa  terhadap  kegiatan  pengawasan  dan
                                                               Services related to Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/
            supervisi Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)
                                                               QC)  supervision  and  monitoring  of  mineral  and  coal
            terhadap  produk  mineral  dan  batubara,  termasuk
                                                               products,  including  stockpile  management,  blending
            manajemen    stockpile   (Stockpile   Management),
                                                               management,   and   coal   and   mineral   handling
            pengelolaan    formula   blending/pencampuran
            (Blending   Management),   Coal   and   Handling
          b. Q&Q  Komoditi  Mineral  dan  Batubara  serta    b.  Q&Q  of  Mineral  and  Coal  Commodities  and  Their
            turunannya                                         Derivatives
             Layanan  jasa  untuk  memastikan  kualitas  dan   Services to ensure the quality and quantity of mineral and
            kuantitas  komoditi  mineral  dan  batubara  serta   coal commodities and their derivatives, which include:
            turunannya, yang meliputi antara lain:
             1. Pengambilan Sampel (Channel Sampling)           1. Sampling (Channel Sampling)
             2. Perhitungan Berat/Kuantitas Terkalibrasi (Bias Test)  2. Weight/Calibrated Quantity Calculation (Bias Test)
             3. Pengukuran Volumetrik (Stock Opname)            3. Volumetric Measurement (Stock Opname)
             4. Perhitungan Muatan (Draught Survey)             4. Load Calculation (Draught Survey)
             5. Inspeksi  Pra  Pengapalan  Komoditi  Mineral  dan   5. Pre-shipment   Inspection   of   Mineral   and   Coal
               Batubara serta turunannya                          Commodities and Their Derivatives

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