Page 53 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 53

Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                                             2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

          Nilai Perusahaan Corporate Values

          Amanah,  Kompeten,  Harmonis,  Loyal,  Adaptif  dan   Trustworthy,  Competent,  Harmonious,  Loyal,  Adaptive,
          Kolaboratif                                           and Collaborative

          Sebagai  anak  perusahaan  BUMN,  Surveyor  Indonesia   As  a  subsidiary  of  a  state-owned  enterprise,  Surveyor
          menetapkan  kebijakan  nilai-nilai  utama  (Core  Value)   Indonesia establishes the core values policy AKHLAK, which
          AKHLAK yang merupakan akronim dari Amanah, Kompeten,   stands  for  Trustworthy,  Competent,  Harmonious,  Loyal,
          Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif dan Kolaboratif sebagai identitas   Adaptive, and Collaborative, as the identity and adhesive of
          dan perekat budaya kerja serta menjadi dasar pembentukan   the  work  culture,  and  as  the  basis  for  shaping  human
          karakter SDM di lingkungan Surveyor Indonesia.        resources   character   within   the   Surveyor   Indonesia
          Penerapan Nilai AKHLAK dalam PTSI diterapkan menjadi:  The implementation of the AKHLAK values in PTSI is applied
                                                                as follows:

          Amanah            Kompeten          Harmonis          Loyal             Adaptif           Kolaboratif

          Memegang teguh    Terus belajar dan   Saling peduli dan   Berdedikasi dan   Terus berinovasi   Membangun kerja
          kepercayaan yang   mengembangkan    menghargai        mengutamakan      dan antusias dalam   sama yang sinergis.
          diberikan;        kapabilitas;      perbedaan;        kepentingan Bangsa   menggerakkan
                            Competent                           dan Negara;       ataupun           Collaborative
          Trustworthy                         Harmonious                          menghadapi        Building synergistic
          Upholding the trust   Continuously   Caring for and   Harmonious        perubahan;        cooperation.
          given;            learning and      respecting        Dedicated and
                            developing        differences;      prioritising the   Adaptive
                            capabilities;                       interests of the   Continuously
                                                                Nation and State;  innovating and
                                                                                  enthusiastic in
                                                                                  driving or facing

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