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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

        1.  Undang-Undang  Republik  Indonesia  No.  40  Tahun   1.  Republic of Indonesia Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning
           2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas Pasal 113.            Limited Liability Companies Article 113;
        2.  Peraturan  Menteri  BUMN  No.  PER-3/MBU/03/2023   2.  Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises
           tentang  Organ  dan  Sumber  Daya  Manusia  Badan     No. PER-3/MBU/03/2023 concerning the Organization
           Usaha MIlik Negara.                                   and Human Resources of State-Owned Enterprises;
        3.  Anggaran  Dasar  Perusahaan.  Mekanisme  pengusulan   3.  Articles of Association of the Company. The mechanism
           hingga  penetapan  remunerasi  Dewan  Komisaris  dan   from  proposal  to  determination  of  remuneration  for
           Direksi dijelaskan dalam Laporan Tahunan 2023.        the Board of Commissioners and Directors is explained
                                                                 in the 2023 Annual Report.

       Adapun  Penyusunan  struktur  dan  besaran  remunerasi   The formulation of the structure and amount of remuneration
       Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi harus memperhatikan hal-hal   for the Board of Commissioners and Directors must consider
       sebagai berikut:                                      the following aspects:

            1.  Peraturan dan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku     1.  Applicable regulations and laws
            2.  Kinerja Perusahaan                                2.  Company performance
            3.  Prestasi kerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.       3.  Performance  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners  and

       Penilaian  Kinerja  Dewan  Komisaris  dan             Performance  Evaluation  of  the  Board  of
       Direksi  [2-18]                                       Commissioners and Directors [2-18]

       Setiap tahun, RUPS mengevaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris   Every  year,  the  General  Meeting  of  Shareholders  (RUPS)
       dan  Direksi  berdasarkan  laporan  pertanggungjawaban   evaluates the performance of the Board of Commissioners and
       tahunan  mereka.  Selain  itu,  Dewan  Komisaris  dan  Direksi   Directors  based  on  their  annual  accountability  reports.
       melakukan  evaluasi  diri  tahunan  atas  kinerja  Dewan   Additionally,  the  Board  of  Commissioners  and  Directors
       Komisaris  dan  Direksi  dengan  menerbitkan  Laporan   conduct  an  annual  self-assessment  of  their  performance  by
       Manajemen.  Dewan  Komisaris  dan  Direksi  memiliki   issuing a Management Report.  The Board of Commissioners
       indikator  kinerja  utama  (KPI)  yang  terkait  dengan  strategi   and Directors have key performance indicators (KPIs) related
       dan  rencana  implementasi  perusahaan,  termasuk  target   to  the  company's  strategy  and  implementation  plans,
       atau  tujuan  Keberlanjutan  mengevaluasi  kinerja  mereka   including Sustainability targets or goals, evaluating their own
       sendiri terhadap KPI tersebut pada akhir periode evaluasi.   performance against these KPIs at the end of the evaluation
       Setiap anggota Dewan bertanggung jawab atas setidaknya   period. Each member of the Board is responsible for at least
       satu  KPI  untuk  Pengembangan  yang  Bertanggung  Jawab.   one KPI for Responsible Development.

       Hasil evaluasi terhadap kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi   The evaluation results of the overall performance of the Board
       secara  keseluruhan  dan  kinerja  masing-masing  anggota   of Commissioners and Directors, as well as the performance
       Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi secara individual merupakan   of each individual member, are integral parts of the incentive
       bagian  yang  tidak  terpisahkan  dalam  skema  kompensasi   compensation  scheme  for  the  Board  of  Commissioners  and
       pemberian insentif bagi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi.  Directors.
       Hasil  evaluasi  kinerja  Dewan  Komisaris  dan  Direksi  baik   Evaluating  the  performance  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners
       sebagai  Dewan  maupun  individu  merupakan  sarana   and Directors, both collectively and individually, serves as a
       penilaian  serta  peningkatan  efektivitas  Dewan  Komisaris   means  to  assess  and  improve  their  effectiveness.  The
       dan Direksi. Penilaian dan evaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris   assessment and evaluation of the performance of the Board of
       dan  Direksi  mengacu  pada  Peraturan  Menteri  BUMN  No.   Commissioners  and  Directors  refer  to  the  Regulation  of  the
       PER-2/MBU/03/2023  tanggal  24  Maret  2023  tentang   Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-2/MBU/03/2023
       Pedoman  Tata  Kelola  dan  Kegiatan  Korporasi  Signifikan   dated March 24, 2023, concerning Guidelines for Governance
       Badan  Usaha  Milik  Negara.  Indikator  Kinerja  Utama  atau   and  Significant  Corporate  Activities  of  State-Owned
       Key  Performance  Indicator  (KPI)  sebagai  ukuran-ukuran   Enterprises.  Key  Performance  Indicators  (KPIs)  serve  as
       tertentu  yang  menjadi  target-target  yang  harus  dicapai   specific measures or targets that the Board of Commissioners
       oleh  Dewan  Komisaris  dalam  pengawasan  Perusahaan.   must  achieve  in  supervising  the  Company.  The  Board  of
       Dewan  Komisaris  memiliki  kriteria  penilaian  kinerja  yang   Commissioners has performance evaluation criteria covering
       mencakup 4 (empat) aspek antara lain:                 four aspects, including:

       110         Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report               PT Surveyor Indonesia
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