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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

      Nominasi dan Pengangkatan Dewan

       Nomination and Appoinment of the Board

       Pedoman Pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi yang   The  Guidelines  for  the  Appointment  of  the  Board  of
       dimiliki  PTSI  mengatur  masa  jabatan  Dewan  Komisaris,  di   Commissioners  and  Directors  owned  by  PTSI  regulate  the
       mana  masa  jabatan  anggota  Dewan  Komisaris  adalah  5   term of office of the Board of Commissioners, where the term
       (lima)  tahun  dengan  tidak  mengurangi  hak  RUPS  untuk   of office of members of the Board of Commissioners is 5 (five)
       memberhentikan para anggota Dewan Komisaris sewaktu-  years  without  prejudice  to  the  right  of  the  GMS  to  dismiss
       waktu.  Setelah  masa  jabatannya  berakhir,  anggota  Dewan   members  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners  at  any  time.  After
       Komisaris dapat diangkat kembali oleh RUPS untuk 1 (satu)   their  term  expires,  members  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners
       kali  masa  jabatan  berikutnya.  Kriteria  keragaman,  serta   may be reappointed by the GMS for 1 (one) subsequent term.
       keterampilan  dan  pengalaman  dalam  ranah  ekonomi,   Diversity  criteria,  as  well  as  skills  and  experience  in  the
       lingkungan,  dan  sosial,  diperhitungkan  selama  proses   economic, environmental, and social domains, are taken into
       nominasi  dan  seleksi.  Independensi  anggota  dewan  juga   account  during  the  nomination  and  selection  process.  The
       diperhitungkan,  karena  dewan  terdiri  dari  direktur  yang   independence  of  board  members  is  also  considered  because
       memiliki kompetensi profesional dan komisaris independen   the board consists of directors with professional competence
       yang tidak terkait atau berafiliasi dengan pemegang saham   and  independent  commissioners  who  are  not  related  or
       Perusahaan, sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan OJK No.33/  affiliated  with  the  Company's  shareholders,  in  accordance
       POJK.04/2014.  Informasi  lebih  lanjut  mengenai  pemilihan   with the provisions of OJK Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014.
       dan  nominasi  Direksi  dan  Dewan  Komisaris  dapat  dilihat   Further  information  on  the  selection  and  nomination  of  the
       pada halaman 529 Laporan Tahunan. [2-10]              Board of Directors and Commissioners can be found on page
                                                             529 of the Annual Report. [2-10]

      Dewan Komisaris

       Board of Commissioners

       Dewan  Komisaris  merupakan  organ  Perseroan  yang   The  Board  of  Commissioners    is  an  organ  of  the  Company
       mempunyai tugas melakukan pengawasan dan pemantauan   tasked  with  supervising  and  monitoring  the  effectiveness  of
       efektivitas  pelaksanaan  penerapan  GCG  di  PTSI.  Dewan   implementing GCG (Good Corporate Governance) at PTSI. The
       Komisaris  mewakili  Pemegang  Saham  dan  mempunyai   Board  of  Commissioners  represents  the  Shareholders  and
       kedudukan  independen,  bertugas  melakukan  pengawasan   holds an independent position, tasked with overseeing policies
       atas  kebijakan  dan  pengurusan  pada  umumnya  serta   and  management  in  general  and  providing  advice  to  the
       memberikan  nasihat  kepada  Direksi  dalam  menjalankan   Board  of  Directors  in  carrying  out  the  company's  activities,
       kegiatan perusahaan, termasuk memantau dan memastikan   including monitoring and ensuring that GCG is effectively and
       bahwa  GCG  diterapkan  secara  efektif  dan  berkelanjutan.   sustainably  implemented.  The  Board  of  Commissioners  has
       Dewan Komisaris bertugas dan bertanggung jawab secara   collective and collegial duties and responsibilities. [2-18]
       kolektif dan kolegial. [2-18]

                                    Komite Pendukung Dewan Komisaris PTSI
                                PTSI Board of Commissioners Support Committee

                                                                                           Komite Nominasi &
           Sekretaris Dewan                                                                   Remunerasi
               Komisaris                Komite Audit         Komite Pemantauan Risiko         Nomination &
         Secretary of the Board of    Audit Committee         Risk Monitoring Committee       Remuneration
       Penilaian  kinerja  organ  dan  komite  di  bawah  Dewan   The  performance  evaluation  of  the  organs  and  committees
       Komisaris dilakukan baik secara kolegial maupun individual.   under  the  Board  of  Commissioners  is  conducted  both
       Penilaian  dilakukan  oleh  Dewan  Komisaris  dengan   collegially and individually. The evaluation is carried out by
       berdasarkan   parameter   kriteria   Kelengkapan   dan   the  Board  of  Commissioners  based  on  the  parameters  of
       Pelaksanaan Tugas Komite                              Completeness and Implementation of Committee Tasks.

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