Page 108 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

       Penilaian  Kinerja  Dewan  Komisaris  dan             Performance  Evaluation  of  the  Board  of
       Direksi  [2-18]                                       Commissioners and Directors [2-18]

       Kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi akan dievaluasi setiap   The performance of the Board of Commissioners and Directors
       tahun  oleh  Pemegang  Saham  dalam  RUPS.  Secara  umum   is  evaluated  annually  by  the  Shareholders  at  the  General
       kinerja   Dewan   Komisaris   dan   Direksi   ditentukan   Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS). Generally, the performance
       berdasarkan  tugas  kewajiban  yang  tercantum  dalam   of  the  Board  of  Commissioners  and  Directors  is  determined
       peraturan   perundang-undangan   yang   berlaku   dan   based  on  the  duties  and  obligations  stipulated  in  the
       Anggaran  Dasar  Perusahaan  maupun  amanat  Pemegang   prevailing  laws  and  regulations,  the  Company's  Articles  of
       Saham. Kriteria evaluasi formal disampaikan secara terbuka   Association,  as  well  as  the  mandates  of  the  Shareholders.
       kepada   Dewan    Komisaris   dan    Direksi   sejak   Formal  evaluation  criteria  are  openly  communicated  to  the
       pengangkatannya.  Hasil  evaluasi  terhadap  kinerja  Dewan   Board  of  Commissioners  and  Directors  since  their
       Komisaris  dan  Direksi  secara  keseluruhan  dan  kinerja   appointment.  The  evaluation  results  of  the  overall
       masing-masing  anggota  Dewan  Komisaris  dan  Direksi   performance of the Board of Commissioners and Directors, as
       secara individual merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan   well  as  the  performance  of  each  individual  member  of  the
       dalam  skema  kompensasi  pemberian  insentif  bagi  Dewan   Board of Commissioners and Directors, are integral parts of
       Komisaris  dan  Direksi.  Hasil  evaluasi  kinerja  Dewan   the  incentive  compensation  scheme  for  the  Board  of
       Komisaris dan Direksi baik sebagai Dewan maupun individu   Commissioners  and  Directors.  The  evaluation  results  of  the
       merupakan  sarana  penilaian  serta  peningkatan  efektivitas   performance  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners  and  Directors,
       Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Penilaian dan evaluasi kinerja   both as a collective board and as individuals, serve as means
       Dewan  Komisaris  dan  Direksi  mengacu  pada  Peraturan   for  assessment  and  enhancement  of  the  effectiveness  of  the
       Menteri BUMN No. PER-2/MBU/03/2023 tanggal 24 Maret   Board  of  Commissioners  and  Directors.  The  assessment  and
       2023 tentang Pedoman Tata Kelola dan Kegiatan Korporasi   evaluation of the performance of the Board of Commissioners
       Signifikan  Badan  Usaha  Milik  Negara.  Indikator  Kinerja   and Directors refer to the Regulation of the Minister of State-
       Utama  atau  Key  Performance  Indicator  (KPI)  sebagai   Owned Enterprises No. PER-2/MBU/03/2023 dated March 24,
       ukuran-ukuran  tertentu  yang  menjadi  target-target  yang   2023  concerning  Guidelines  for  Governance  and  Significant
       harus  dicapai  oleh  Dewan  Komisaris  dalam  pengawasan   Corporate  Activities  of  State-Owned  Enterprises.  Key
       Perusahaan.  Dewan  Komisaris  memiliki  kriteria  penilaian   Performance Indicators (KPIs) are specific measures or targets
       kinerja yang mencakup 4 (empat) aspek antara lain:    that the Board of Commissioners must achieve in supervising
                                                             the Company. The Board of Commissioners has performance
                                                             evaluation criteria covering 4 (four) aspects, including:

            1.  Aspek pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan;               1.  Learning and growth aspect;
            2.  Aspek proses bisnis internal;                     2.  Internal business process aspect;
            3.  Aspek pengawasan dan pemberian arahan;            3.  Supervision and guidance aspect;
            4.  Aspek kontribusi terhadap kinerja perusahaan.     4.  Contribution to company performance aspect.

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