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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

      Struktur Tata Kelola [2-9]
       Governance Structure

       PTSI  memiliki  struktur  tata  kelola  yang  terdiri  dari  Rapat   PTSI  has  a  governance  structure  consisting  of  the  General
       Umum  Pemegang  Saham  (RUPS),  Dewan  Komisaris  dan   Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the Board of Commissioners,
       Direksi,  sebagaimana  diatur  dalam  Undang-Undang   and  the  Board  of  Directors,  as  stipulated  in  the  Law  of  the
       Republik  Indonesia  No.  40  tahun  2007  tentang  BUMN.   Republic  of  Indonesia  No.  40  of  2007  concerning  BUMN.
       Sementara,  sistem  kepengurusan  yang  berjalan  di  PTSI   Meanwhile, the management system that runs at PTSI adheres
       menganut sistem dua badan (two tier system) yaitu Dewan   to a two-tier system, namely the Board of Commissioners and
       Komisaris dan Direksi, sekaligus sebagai badan tata kelola   the Board of Directors, as well as the highest governance body
       tertinggi  yang  memiliki  wewenang  dan  tanggung  jawab   that  has  clear  authorities  and  responsibilities  according  to
       yang  jelas  sesuai  fungsinya  masing-masing  sebagaimana   their  respective  functions  as  mandated  in  the  Articles  of
       diamanatkan  dalam  Anggaran  Dasar  dan  peraturan   Association and laws and regulations. [2-9]
       perundang-undangan. [2-9]

       Ada  prosedur  yang  jelas  untuk  menangani  konflik   There are precise procedures for handling actual or suspected
       kepentingan  aktual  atau  dugaan  antara  Perusahaan  dan   conflicts of interest between the Company and the personal
       kepentingan  pribadi  Direksi  dan  Dewan  Komisaris.   interests  of  the  Board  of  Directors  and  Board  of
       Komponen  utama  GCG  yang  terdiri  dari  anggota  Direksi,   Commissioners.  The  main  components  of  GCG  consist  of
       Dewan  Komisaris,  dan  Pemegang  Saham  Pengendali  yang   affiliated  members  of  the  Board  of  Directors,  Board  of
       terafiliasi tertuang dalam Laporan Tahunan Perusahaan dan   Commissioners, and Controlling Shareholders, which are set
       selaras dengan peraturan OJK. [2-11] [2-15]           out in the Company's Annual Repor and are in line with OJK
                                                             regulations. [2-11] [2-15]

       Untuk  menjalankan  fungsinya,  Direksi  dibantu  oleh  organ   To carry out its functions, the Board of Directors is assisted by
       pendukung yang terdiri dari Sekretaris Perusahaan, Satuan   supporting  organs  consisting  of  the  Corporate  Secretary,
       Pengawasan Intern, Divisi Human  Capital, Divisi Teknologi   Internal  Audit  Unit,  Human  Capital  Division,  Information
       Informasi, dan Divisi Perencanaan Korporat dan Manajemen   Technology  Division,  and  Corporate  Planning  and  Risk
       Risiko.  Sementara  itu,  Dewan  Komisaris  dalam  peran   Management Division. Meanwhile, in its supervisory role, the
       pengawasannya  dibantu  oleh  Komite  Audit,  Komite   Board of Commissioners is assisted by the Audit Committee,
       Nominasi dan Remunerasi, dan Komite Pemantauan Risiko.   Nomination  and  Remuneration  Committee,  and  Risk
       [2-12]  Perangkat  kebijakan  serta  organ  tata  kelola  PTSI    Monitoring  Committee.  [2-12]  PTSI's  policy  tools  and
       yang  terdiri  dari  organ  utama  dan  pendukung  adalah   governance  organs  consisting  of  primary  and  supporting
       sebagai berikut:                                      organs are as follows:

       100         Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report               PT Surveyor Indonesia
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