Page 99 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                                             2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

         Prinsip - Prinsip GCG

          GCG Principles

          Penerapan  GCG  di  PTSI  berdasarkan  salinan  Keputusan   The implementation of GCG in PTSI is based on a copy of the
          Sekretaris  Kementerian  BUMN  No.  SK-12/S.MBU/08/2023   Decree of the Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs No. SK-12/S.
          tanggal 16 Agustus 2023, yakni :                     MBU/08/2023, dated August 16, 2023, namely:

          Secara  konsisten  dan  berkelanjutan,  PTSI  memastikan   Consistently and continuously, PTSI ensures the fulfillment of
          terpenuhinya penerapan prinsip- prinsip GCG, dalam setiap   the  implementation  of  GCG  principles  in  every  operational
          kegiatan   operasional.   Hal   ini,   diharapkan   dapat   activity.  This  is  expected  to  strengthen  a  reliable  internal
          menguatkan sistem pengelolaan dan pengendalian internal   management  and  control  system  and  increase  the  trust  of
          yang  handal  dan  meningkatkan  kepercayaan  pihak   external  parties.  The  implementation  of  GCG  will  enhance
          eksternal. Penerapan GCG akan mengukuhkan kepercayaan   confidence  and  increase  value  for  Shareholders  and  other
          serta  meningkatkan  nilai  bagi  Pemegang  Saham  dan   stakeholders. The complete GCG principles are as follows:
          pemangku  kepentingan  lainnya.  Prinsip-prinsip  GCG
          selengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut:

               1.  Transparansi  (transparency),  yaitu  keterbukaan   1.  Transparency, which is openness in carrying out the
                 dalam    melaksanakan   proses   pengambilan          decision-making   process   and   openness   in
                 keputusan     dan     keterbukaan     dalam           disclosing material and relevant information about
                 mengungkapkan  informasi  material  dan  relevan      the company;
                 mengenai perusahaan;
               2.  Akuntabilitas  (accountability),  yaitu  kejelasan   2.  Accountability,  namely  the  clarity  of  functions,
                 fungsi,  pelaksanaan  dan  pertanggungjawaban         implementation,  and  accountability  of  the  Organ
                 Organ    sehingga   pengelolaan   perusahaan          so that the management of the company is carried
                 terlaksana secara efektif;                            out effectively;
               3.  Pertanggungjawaban   (responsibility),   yaitu    3.  Responsibility,   namely   conformity   in   the
                 kesesuaian  di  dalam  pengelolaan  perusahaan        management  of  the  company  to  the  laws  and
                 terhadap  peraturan  perundang  undangan  dan         regulations and sound corporate principles;
                 prinsip-prinsip korporasi yang sehat;
               4.  Kemandirian  (independency),  yaitu  keadaan  di   4.  Independence,  which  is  a  condition  in  which  the
                 mana  perusahaan  dikelola  secara  profesional       company  is  managed  professionally  without
                 tanpa  benturan  kepentingan  dan  pengaruh/          conflict of interest and influence/pressure from any
                 tekanan  dari  pihak  manapun  yang  tidak  sesuai    party that is not by the laws and regulations and
                 dengan  peraturan  perundang-  undangan  dan          sound corporate principles;
                 prinsip-prinsip korporasi yang sehat;
               5.  Kewajaran (fairness), yaitu keadilan dan kesetaraan   5.  Fairness,  which  is  justice  and  equality  in  fulfilling
                 di   dalam   memenuhi    hak-hak   Pemangku           the  rights  of  stakeholders  arising  based  on
                 Kepentingan    (stakeholders)   yang   timbul         agreements, laws, and regulations.
                 berdasarkan perjanjian dan peraturan perundang

         PT Surveyor Indonesia                           Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report  99
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