Page 155 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 155

PROSPERITY                      PLANET                         PEOPLE

                       Kontribusi pada Pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (TPB)
                             Contribution to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

                                                                  Rencana (Rp)        Realisasi(Rp)  Persentase (%)
                            No TPB SDGs
                                                                  Planning (Rp)      Realitation (Rp)  Percentage (%)
                                  (1)                                  (2)                 (3)             (4)

           A    Pilar Sosial
                Social Pillar                                 1.138.510.583       92%

                       Tanpa Kelaparan
                       Without Hunger                             145.000.000         144.416.467        100%

                       Kehidupan Sehat dan Sejahtera
                       Decent jobs and economic growth            250.000.000         293.651.845        117%

                       Pendidikan Berkualitas
                       Quality Education                          840.000.000         700.442.271        83%

           B    Pilar Ekonomi
                Economic Pillar                               1.042.936.460       89%

                       Energi Bersih dan Terjangkau
                       Clean and affordable energy                180.000.000         98.000.000         54%

                       Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan
                       Ekonomi                                2.748.552.957       91%
                       Decent jobs and economic growth

           C    Pilar Lingkungan                                  970.000.000         741.552.957        93%
                Environmental Pillar

                       Air Bersih dan Sanitasi Layak              200.000.000         117.102.333        59%
                       Clean Water and Sanitation Worth

                       Konsumsi dan Produksi yang
                       Bertanggung Jawab                          360.000.000         598.768.161        176%
                       Consumption and Production

                       Penanganan Perubahan Iklim                 110.000.000         61.947.215         47%
                       Climate Change Management

                       Ekosistem Darat                            300.000.000         265.118.751        88%
                       Land Ecosystem

           D    Pilar Hukum dan Tata Kelola                       180.000.000         180.000.000       100%
                Law and Governance

                       Perdamaian, Keadilan, dan Kelembagaan
                       yang Tangguh                               180.000.000         180.000.000        100%
                       Peace, justice, and a strong institution.

           Total TPB                                             5.580.000.000      93,33%
           SDGs Total

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