Page 84 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023  Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
                 2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

       Portofolio Bisnis Keberlanjutan                       Sustainability Business Portfolio
       [2-22][OJK A.1][OJK B.1]                              [2-22][OJK A.1][OJK B.1]

       Pada  tahun  2023,  PTSI  melangkah  lebih  jauh  dalam   In  2023,  PTSI  went  a  step  further  in  its  commitment  to
       komitmennya     terhadap    keberlanjutan   dengan    sustainability  with  the  establishment  of  PMU  Sustainability.
       pembentukan  PMU  Sustainability.  Unit  khusus  ini  tidak   This specialized unit not only offers core consultancy services
       hanya  menawarkan  layanan  konsultansi  inti  dalam  bidang   in  ESG  (Environmental,  Social,  and  Governance)  but  also
       ESG  (Environmental,  Social,  and  Governance),  namun  juga   provides traceability, Social Return on Investment (SROI), and
       menyediakan  layanan  traceability,  Social  Return  on   carbon consultancy services.
       Investment (SROI), dan konsultasi karbon.

                         Sustainability Services by Surveyor Indonesia (SURE)

                                      Environment, Social, & Governance (ESG) Services

            Sustainability/ESG                                   ESG Suplply Chain      Sustainability Report &
                                    ESG Awareness Training
               Consultacy                                          Management               Annual Report
        • Gap Analysis
        • Framework & Baselining   • Theoretical and practical   • ESG Procurement      • Report  Enhancement  with
        • Strategy & Roadmap        training (Sustainability, ESG,   • Drafting Guideline/Policy  Impact   ESG   &   SDGs
        • Shadow Rating             Climate Change, Carbon    • Strategy and Framework   (Impact Reporting)
        • Benchmarking              Accounting)
        • Assessment ESG
        • ESG Rating

          Sustainability Oriented   Green, Social Sustainable   Corporate Long-Term     Independent Assesment/
             Digital Platform         Financing Advisory        Plans Based on ESG           Verification

        • Microsite on Sustainability  • Risk and Opportunity   • Preparation of Long Term   • Desk study & Traceability
        • Baselining & Gap Analysis  Assessment                Company Documents         Analysis
        • Strategy for Improvement  • Financing Framework                               • Data Support & Platform
                                   • Sustainable Financial Action                        Development
                                    Plan                                                • Assurance/Verification
                                                                                        • AAI000 by SCCI

                                                      ESG Awareness Training
                                                      • Desk study & Traceability Analysis
          Traceability Services                       • Data Support & Platform Development
                                                      • Traceability Dashboard for Commodities
                                                      • Assurance/Verification

       84          Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report               PT Surveyor Indonesia
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89