Page 26 - Sustainability Report 2023
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Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 2023   Sekilas Tentang PTSI  Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
               2023 Sustainability Performance Higlight  A Glance of PTSI  Sustainability Governance

           21                                                       24 November 2023  November 24, 2023

            Pelatihan Fotografi
            Photography Training

             Prioritas SDGs   SDGs Priority

                    Tanpa Kemiskinan
                    No Poverty

                    Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
                    Decent Work and Economic Growth      Kategori Pemberdayaan UMKM
                                                         Category SME Empowerment
                    Industri, Inovasi dan Infrastruktur
                    Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

                    Berkurangnya Kesenjangan
                    Reduced Inequalities

           22                                                          6 Desember 2023  December 6, 2023

            ISIM for Regencies
            ISIM for Regencies

             Prioritas SDGs   SDGs Priority

                    Kota dan Pemukiman Berkualitas
                    Sustainable Cities and Communities

                                                         Kategori Lingkungan
                                                         Category Environment

       26          Laporan Keberlanjutan 2023   |   2023 Sustainability Report               PT Surveyor Indonesia
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