Page 242 - Sustainability Report 2023
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No. Indeks                      Nama Indeks                                               Halaman
          Index No.                       Index Name                              SDGs               Page

                           1.  Pencapaian  kinerja  penerapan  keberlanjutan
                              (ekonomi,   lingkungan   hidup,   dan   sosial)
                              dibandingkan dengan target;
                              Achievement  of  sustainability  implementation
                              performance (economic, environmental, and social)
                              compared to the target;
                           2.  Prestasi  dan  tantangan  termasuk  peristiwa
                              penting selama periode pelaporan
                              Achievements and challenges including key events
                              during the reporting period
                        b.  Strategi pencapaian target
                           Target achievement strategy
                           1.  Informasi  pengelolaan  risiko  atas  penerapan
                              Keuangan  Berkelanjutan  terkait  aspek  ekonomi,
                              lingkungan  hidup,  dan  sosial  yang  berpotensi
                              mempengaruhi keberlanjutan Emiten dan Perusahaan
                              Information   on   risk   management   on   the
                              implementation  of  Sustainable  Finance  related  to
                              economic,  environmental,  and  social  aspects  that
                              have the potential to affect the sustainability of Issuers
                              and Public Companies;
                           2.  Pemanfaatan peluang dan prospek usaha;
                              Utilization of business opportunities and prospects;
                           3.  Penjelasan  situasi  eksternal  ekonomi,  lingkungan
                              hidup, dan sosial yang berpotensi mempengaruhi
                              keberlanjutan Emiten dan Perusahaan Publik
                              Explanation  of  external  economic,  environmental,
                              and  social  situations  that  have  the  potential  to
                              affect  the  sustainability  of  Issuers  and  Public
        Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan
        Sustainability Governance

                        Penanggung Jawab Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan
        E.1.            Responsible for the Implementation of Sustainable                             104

                        Pengembangan     Kompetensi   Terkait   Keuangan
        E.2.            Berkelanjutan                                                               118,206
                        Competency Development Related to Sustainable Finance

                        Penilaian Risiko atas Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan:
                        Risk Assessment on the Implementation of Sustainable
                        a.  Penjelasan   mengenai     prosedur     dalam
                           mengidentifikasi,   mengukur,   memantau,   dan
                           mengendalikan   risiko   atas   penerapan   usaha
        E.3.                                                                                           -
                           keberlanjutan  terkait  aspek  ekonomi,  lingkungan
                           hidup, dan sosial;
                           Explanation  of  procedures  for  identifying,  measuring,
                           monitoring,   and   controlling   risks   on   the
                           implementation  of  sustainability  efforts  related  to
                           economic, environmental and social aspects;

       Keterangan:                                                                     Information:
       * Data tidak relevan dengan bisnis PTSI                                         * The data is not relevant to PTSI's business
       ** Data akan dilengkapi pada pelaporan berikutnya                               ** The data will be updated in the next report

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